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Seychelles is in process of  building a second airport, since last year’s out-pour of 280 000 tourists. The new airport will provide a significant improvement in the handling of passengers and this is according to David Germain, director of the Africa and America Seychelles Tourism Board. Seychelles Foreign Affairs and Transport Minister, Joel Morgan, signed an agreement with Ali Majed Al Mansoori, chairman of the Abu Dhabi Airports Company, to construct the new airport. An expected cost of$150m (R2bn) is to be used for the building of the new airport, which will lie North of the existing airport.

Tourism became a significant industry, essentially dividing the economy into plantations and tourism. The tourism sector paid better, and the plantation economy could only expand so far. The plantation sector of the economy declined in prominence, and tourism became the primary industry of Seychelles.[source-wikipedia]


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Seychelles Builds New Airport

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